Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Lincoln’s House Divided Speech Essay

Through the spoils of war in 1848, and a $15 million payment, the U.S. acquired nearly half of Mexico’s territory. To some, Mexico had dumped its useless wasteland and the U.S. had been duped into paying for it. But to most, the acquisition of the Mexican territory was the culmination of Manifest Destiny–the fulfillment of the expansion across the North American continent, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, that was ordained by God. But did God intend for this territory to be slaveholding or free? Within two short years, California petitioned to become a state. Slaveholding or free? That question would propel the nation that had just become a continental power to the precipice of dissolution. It took the Compromise of 1850 to avert a disaster. The Compromise itself was made up several bills. Among them, California would be admitted as a free state. To pacify slave-state politicians upset about the imbalance, the Fugitive Slave Act was passed. It required Northern citizens to assist in the recovery of slaves escaping from the South. Kansas-Nebraska Act With the threat of dissolution addressed, a continental build-out could get underway. The country pined for a transcontinental railroad. The South wanted a route that ran far south, but the North insisted on a route in the center. Democratic Senator Stephen A. Douglas was committed to this central route and to the prerequisite organization of the territory of Nebraska. As chairman of the Senate Committee on Territories, Senator Douglas had the responsibility of sponsoring the necessary legislation. He had already been instrumental in bringing five states into the Union and had created five territories. He repeatedly tried to organize Nebraska, but sectional differences had made it impossible thus far. The Missouri Compromise, thirty years prior, had prohibited slavery north of the line of 36 º 30†², and all of the Nebraska territory was above that line. Yet Douglas’ 1854 legislation–though it used the same language under which Utah and New Mexico had become territories–made the proposed condition of slavery or freedom unclear. So the legislation was revised to appeal to the Southern Democrats, explicitly stating that the decision about slavery was â€Å"to be left to the decision of the people residing therein, through their appropriate representatives.† Essentially, â€Å"popular sovereignty† would rule the day and kill the slave restriction in the Missouri Compromise. Still, Democratic Senator Archibald Dixon of Kentucky didn’t think this pushed the Missouri Compromise far enough. Dixon proposed an amendment that specifically stated the Missouri Compromise restriction did not apply to the proposed Nebraska Territory, nor to any other territory of the United States. Douglas wanted to avoid a fight and begged Dixon to withdraw his amendment, but Dixon refused. So Douglas supported the Kansas-Nebraska bill–now modified to propose two territories from the land rather than just one. The bill declared that the Missouri Compromise was inconsistent with the Compromise of 1850 and, hence, inoperative. With the backing of Democratic President Franklin Pierce, the bill had become law. Anti-Nebraskan Men Protests arose not only from free-soilers and abolitionists, but also from moderates–including moderate Democrats–who thought the slavery issue had been put into remission in 1850, and now found it eating away at the country again. Abraham Lincoln, retired from politics and happy in his law practice, was compelled to return to politics. As Paul M. Angle observed, Lincoln â€Å"believed that no man concerned for his country could remain silent.† Writing about the event later, in the third person, Lincoln said of himself, â€Å"His profession had almost superseded the thought of politics in his mind, when the repeal of the Missouri Compromise aroused him as he had never been before.† â€Å"It is as if two starving men had divided their only loaf,† Lincoln said of the Compromise of 1850. Having divided the loaf in a fair compromise, the South now wanted more: â€Å"The one had hastily swallowed his half, and then grabbed the other half just as he was putting it in his mouth!† Lincoln vehemently disagreed that â€Å"popular sovereignty†Ã¢â‚¬â€œthe choice of white men of European ancestry–should be allowed to cush the inalienable right to liberty the Declaration of Independence promised to all men, regardless of color. Like so many others, Lincoln thought that if slavery remained confined to the states in which it currently existed–protected by the Constitution, incidentally–it would eventually come to extinction and liberty would prevail. Now he found the monster of slavery more animated than ever before. Believing that Anti-Nebraska men must be elected to overturn the Kansas-Nebraska Act, Lincoln began canvassing the state of Illinois with the goal of re-electing Anti-Nebraskan Richard Yates. A new Abraham Lincoln was on the scene. Where in earlier years, Angle notes, Lincoln â€Å"had brought roars of laughter with raillery and personal jibes and had grappled for any small argumentative advantage,† Lincoln now â€Å"spoke from deep conviction that the nation was in danger–spoke without humor but with eloquence that he had never before achieved.† Claiming popular sovereignty to be a middle ground that couldn’t logically exist, he urged men to rally together and embrace liberty. â€Å"Let us re-adopt the Declaration of Independence, and with it, the practices, and policy, which harmonize with it. Let north and south–let all Americans–let all lovers of liberty everywhere–join in the great and good work. If we do this, we shall not only have saved the Union; but we shall have so saved it, as to make, and keep it, forever worthy of the saving.† To further the Anti-Nebraska cause, Lincoln allowed himself to be named as a candidate for the Illinois House of Representatives. On November 7, 1854, he was elected. But the senatorial term of James Shields, a Douglas supporter, was expiring and Lincoln was in a position to take the seat. To strengthen his candidacy, he declined to accept his seat in the Illinois House. In February 1855, the legislature met in joint session. On the first ballot, Lincoln was the leader with 44 votes, but could not win without the five votes received by Lyman Trumbull. Vote after vote, Trumbull’s supporters refused to budge. After the ninth ballot, Lincoln realized that unless he threw his support to Trumbull, a supporter of the Kansas-Nebraska Act would be elected. So he released his supporters to vote for Trumbull and Trumbull won the election. But Lincoln became the clear leader of the Anti-Nebraska men and was destined to run against Stephen A. Douglas when his term expired in 1858. Lincoln Opposes Douglas At the Republican State Convention of Illinois, on June 16, 1858, a resolution declaring â€Å"that Abraham is the first and only choice of the Republicans of Illinois for the United States Senate as the successor to Stephen A. Douglas† was carried unanimously. Acknowledging the nomination that evening, Lincoln delivered what became known as the House Divided Speech–the name being taken from the opening of the speech: â€Å"†¦We are now far into the fifth year since a policy was initiated with the avowed object and confident promise of putting an end to slavery agitation. Under the operation of that policy, that agitation has not only not ceased, but has constantly augmented. In my opinion, it will not cease until a crisis shall have been reached and passed. â€Å"A house divided against itself cannot stand.† I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved–I do not expect the house to fall–but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other. Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction; or its advocates will push it forward till it shall become alike lawful in all the States, old as well as new, North as well as South.† Lincoln borrowed the reference to the â€Å"house divided against itself,† from the Bible. In the twelfth chapter of Matthew, Jesus healed a man possessed with a devil. The Pharisees accused him of casting out devils by the power of Beelzebub, the prince of devils. To this, Jesus replied: â€Å"Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?† (Matthew 12:25) Lincoln made a public reference to this Biblical quotation as early as 1843, when he wrote a circular emphasizing the unity of the Whig party: â€Å"That ‘union is strength’ is a truth that has been known, illustrated, and declared in various ways and forms in all ages of the world. That great fabulist and philosopher, Aesop, illustrated it by his fable of the bundle of sticks; and he whose wisdom surpasses that of all philosophers has declared that ‘a house divided against itself cannot stand.'† The quotation was one which Lincoln obviously found useful. However, it was only after careful consideration that he included it in his speech at the state Republican Convention in 1858. Lincoln was well aware that the position could be inflammatory. In fact, most of Lincoln’s friends advised against it. Within weeks, Stephen Douglas would twist Lincoln’s meaning and paint him as a warmonger and radical abolitionist. But as part of Lincoln’s legacy, the House Divided Speech marked the point at which Abraham Lincoln, local politician, firmly planted his stake in the ground on a highly-charged national issue. ——————————————————————————– MR. PRESIDENT AND GENTLEMEN OF THE CONVENTION: If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could better judge what to do, and how to do it. We are now far into the fifth year since a policy was initiated, with the avowed object and confident promise, of putting an end to slavery agitation. Under the operation of that policy, that agitation has not only, not ceased, but has constantly augmented. In my opinion, it will not cease until a crisis shall have been reached and passed. â€Å"A house divided against itself cannot stand.† I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved–I do not expect the house to fall–but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other. Either the opponents of slavery, will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction; or its advocates will push it forward, till it shall become alike lawful in all the States, old as well as new, North as well as South. Have we no tendency to the latter condition? Let any one who doubts, carefully contemplate that now almost complete legal combination–piece of machinery so to speak–compounded of the Nebraska doctrine, and the Dred Scott decision. Let him consider not only what work the machinery is adapted to do, and how well adapted; but also, let him study the history of its construction, and trace, if he can, or rather fail, if he can, to trace the evidences of design, and concert of action, among its chief architects, from the beginning. But, so far, Congress only, had acted; and an indorsement by the people, real or apparent, was indispensible, to save the point already gained, and give chance for more.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Microeconomics: concepts, analysis, and applications Essay

Southwest Airlines is an organization in the Airline industry and it has remained to be a competitive leader in this industry since its inception. It is the America’s largest low-fare carrier and domestically it serves huge number of customers than any other Airline. This organization operates more than three thousand flights daily. Southwest Airlines operate under an environment with intense competition; however, its marketing strategy has helped the organization to have a competitive advantage over its competitors. In all southwest Airline marketing communications, it positions itself in America as the only short-haul, low-fare, point-to-point, high frequency carrier that is fun to fly. Once the organization enters into a particular market the following changes are experienced; economic mini-boom occurs, tourist traffic increases and air fares go down. Airline industry is highly volatile, however southwest airline has remained relevant in the industry and also profitable eve ry year meaning that it has been profitable for a period of 31 years. For most of year 2000, the organizations 9 billion dollars market capitalization is more than the combined market capitalization of every other Airline in United States. Southwest airline market strategy has ensured cost efficiency thus increasing the profit margins for the organization. Some of the most marketing strategies adapted by this organization include: using smaller airports which are less congested thus saving time, flying one type of aircraft only, and eliminating seating assignments and meal service. Even though southwest airline has been using these same marketing strategies, no other airline has been able to clone southwest’s success productively (Freiberg & Freiberg, 1996). In order to secure its market position successfully, southwest airline has been forced to be extremely cost-efficient. In this regard, southwest has designed a business model which uses short-hauls, single aircraft type, hub -and -spoke versus point-to-point, secondary airports all aimed at reducing the costs. Most organizations in the airline market utilize information technology like a platform aimed at sharing information from a given unit of business to another. However, southwest airline upholds a different approach. Southwest has strengthened the on-site operations agents’ roles who are entrusted with the responsibility to turn around every flight of southwest as fast as possible. In the airline market the operations agents have a responsibility for handling 3 to 5 flights at any one time but southwest strategy ensures that their operations agents are responsible in handling one flight turnaround. Southwest has established a culture where even pilots are willing to assis t in loading luggage so as to help in getting away in time thus saving time. This demonstrates flexible job boundaries existing throughout the whole organization where any individual is very ready to pitch in wherever needed (Lauer, 2010). Avoiding delays is the key to profitably running an Airline with turning around the planes. In the airline industry market, in a case where a delay is experienced in the airline market, they try assessing whether this was as a result of led by the ramp agents, baggage handlers, refuellers or any other functional department. However in Southwest airline delays are recoded to be team delays. Through being less precise concerning the delay cause and assessing performance through metrics which matter to the consumers. In this regard southwest focus more on learning ways of avoiding a repeat of such instances in the future compared to accountability. Airline industry in United States has experienced high price in regard to intra-Texas air travel and southwest was envisioned and was able to respond to this issue through coming up with the suitable solutions. Southwest provides a travel product which is in built around flights which are targeted to particular ticket pricing and demographics that is simplified in order for the passengers to realize what they actually getting for their money paid. Before the entry of southwest Airline into the airline market, passengers and business travelers were used to be pampered, paid full price however in the end they ended up being disappointed. Southwest strategies usually gave insomnia to other normal executives from the Airline industry. Southwest strategy shows an organization which is very unusual and very devoted towards their consumers and employees (Lauer, 2010). A niche exists in the Airline market where southwest Airline has extensive potential of future growth. Southwest has been built on foundation of strategic management. This strategy has helped this organization in taking it into a new level of superiority and expanding of the airline’s market. Therefore southwest possess an agg ressive strategy, planned to be a constant success (Lauer, 2010). There are definitive and clear boundaries between employees working in diverse functional areas in most Airlines. Most workers are able to interact well with their fellow peers however ignore those others who are below them in the organization hierarchy. In cases where there are delays employees tend to blame those who are lower in hierarchy than them for the delay. However, in south west they have created a culture where all employees treat others with respect despite of their levels in the organizational hierarchy (Lovelock, 1992). All employees acknowledge the distinct responsibilities played in keeping planes flying by different functional departments. Therefore everyone’s contribution to the organization contributes to the success of the organization and thus every individual is respected and acknowledged. This respect by all employees of the organization helps in appreciating the contribution of one another to the organization and there is a tendency to act productively in achieving the larger organizational goals (Bahreini & Willis, 1988). Southwest Airlines has utilized the following ten relationships in generating extraordinary performance; investing in front-line leaders, outstanding business relationship, hiring and training for relationship excellence, using conflicts in building relationships, using broad performance metrics, bridge work-family divide, creating the positions which span boundaries, partnering with the unions, build the supplier relationships, highly flexible job descriptions and using highly flexible job descriptions. These all ten organizational relationships are exceedingly complementally; however they only generate benefits when they are all utilized and implemented. In this regard these relationships work in unison and not in isolation. Substantial benefits of these relationships can be realized only all ten are present. This in turn realizes both negative effects and positive effects. The negative effects will be that it will necessitate making various changes on many fronts concurrently to a ttain it. On the other hand, the positive effects are that an organization which follows lead of southwest airline company and establish strong organizational relationships can accomplish great success. However, the outcomes of using the ten relationships as in the case of southwest can be both long lasting and impressive. Therefore, any company can improve efficiency and quality of its performance through adapting these relationships to its own specific needs (Tadajewski & Brownlie, 2008). Leadership in southwest Airlines is a distribute process. Senior management team is popular in the public arena however most of the actual work is performed by the supervisors who with frontline employees on a daily basis. Southwest Airline in reality has more supervisors per frontline worker compared other all other Airlines, and the organization succeeds at training these supervisors in providing leadership on issues occurring on daily basis. Supervisors in Southwest present the bulk of the organization’s counseling and coaching. Southwest also makes a conscious and deliberate effort of hiring employees who are excellent in working as a team (Lauer, 2010). This organization also endeavors at enhancing team building skills through offering their employees training for relational competence. In other organizations, there is an attempt of retaining and attracting high performers, but southwest instead of hiring the elites it gives high priority while hiring to those individuals who are capable of integrating with other team members smoothly. Therefore, this organization recruits individuals who uphold right attitudes and then offer them with the necessary experience and skills they require to succeed. Southwest has distinct labor relations and this has helped to eliminate occurrences of employees strikes in the organization. An Airline industry is an oligopolistic market where every seller supplies a huge portion of entire products which are sold in the marketplace. Since the cost of setting up a business is normally very high the number of the organizations entering in this market is usually low. Organizations in this market are able to control over the prices that they charge. Therefore, when one organization offers fair prices than others, then its competitors also usually introduces similar promotions. Southwest has been facing excess competition from other airlines however through exemplary marketing strategies an Airline that paying for jet fuel using a personal credit card and borrowing tools has grown to be a record-breaking profitable Airline company. Southwest was one of the factors that led to end of the airline industry regulation, therefore getting rid of the barriers facing those entering the industry and also encouraging competition. Southwest was primarily responsible for keeping, Love, midway and Hobby airports open (Stone, 1980). Southwest is still the leader in the airline industry and it is a no-frills carrier. In this regard, this Airline offers no reserved seats, no catering and no first-class. The primary goal of this organization is making air travel affordable to those individuals who could not afford it previously and not profit maximization. Southwest makes profit on average if only the last five seats on a plane are filled. This Airline as a regional carrier is unique. Southwest is popular among the passengers since they carry their customers’ non-stop from point A to point B. southwest provides no interline connections with the other airlines, except for Icelandic Air connections. This helps in wise use of time since airplanes are not delayed by ticket counter lines or connecting travelers. Their strategies have also helped in reducing the unemployment rates in United States. This is because in a case where an airplane spends exceedingly twenty minutes at the gate this will increase the loca l rates of unemployment (Pride & Ferrell, 1995). In conclusion, southwest employs marketing strategies which helps in ensuring that the organization is the most popular among the passengers. The southwest also has a culture of respecting all their stakeholders despite their hierarchy or role in the organization. All southwest employees’ works as a team and they are very motivated which improves their job satisfaction and productivity in the organization. All these marketing strategies highly contribute towards the success of southwest Airline Company. References Bahreini, M. H., & Willis, J. F. (1988). Microeconomics: concepts, analysis, and applications. Redding, Calif.: CAT Pub. Co.. Freiberg, K., & Freiberg, J. (1996). Nuts!: Southwest Airlines’ crazy recipe for business and personal success. Austin, Tex.: Bard Books. Lauer, C. (2010). Southwest Airlines. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Greenwood. Lovelock, C. H. (1992). Managing services: marketing, operations, and human resources (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall. Pride, W. M., & Ferrell, O. C. (1995). Marketing: concepts and strategies (9th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Stone, M. (1980). Marketing and economics. New York: St. Martin’s Press. Tadajewski, M., & Brownlie, D. T. (2008). Critical marketing: contemporary issues in marketing. Chichester, UK: Wiley. Source document

Monday, July 29, 2019

Popular Music, Television, and Film Stars Essay

Everyone at all ages have grown up admiring and idealizing at least on celebrity, be that an actor, singer or any other famous person. What they do not ask while they are young is whether our idols are people we should be looking up to. Usually when people become older they realize that their role models at the time are not someone they would want their children idolizing now. They come to the conclusion that the person they looked up to wasn’t who they truly were, it was all an act. So should a celebrity be considered a true leader? That is worth debating. By using three characteristics of celebrities it will be known whether or not a celebrity has the potential to be a good leader. To begin, a celebrity can be known for many things, but a leader and great role model is not always one of them. One characteristic of a celebrity is being perfect. Is being perfect possible? No, but Paris Hilton is an example of someone who thinks they need to diet uncontrollably and get plastic surgery to make them seem perfect. This is not nearly close enough to be a true leader, because she is giving children the wrong idea; that it’s okay to be unhealthy and to bad things to your body just to look perfect so everyone likes them. The opposition may argue that it’s not always their fault. An example of this would be Demi Lavato. She suffered from bulimia and dieted because she didn’t like the way she looked. However they are wrong because although she couldn’t control her disease, there is no reason she should have hated herself in the beginning. We need to teach the children of this generation that it’s okay to look different. Not everyone needs to wear tons of makeup and be stick thin. A celebrity who can show all of these ideas is one who is truly a leader. Subsequently, everyone is selfish in their life for their own reasons, but should children look up to people who are selfish all the time? A successful celebrity gets money, fame, and anything they virtually want, but that is not a reason they should be selfish. An example of a selfish celebrity would be Kim Kardashion. Everything she does is related to how she can get more fame. Her tv show, her clothes line, her perfume, even her marriage was to give her more publicity. This is not what a leader would do. The opposition would argue that everyone is selfish so why can’t celebrities be who they are; however, they are wrong because although everyone is selfish it’s not as bad as celebrities and non-famous people aren’t the ones trying to get children and  fans to be just like them. Children need to learn that it is important to set aside time to help those who need more help than they do. John Cena is a great example of this. He is a famous wwe wrestler who gets paid a lot and has many fans, however, he takes the time to support the American Red Cross and goes to see children with diseases and cancer to try and make their day better. This is a great way to show how to be a leader. Lastly, something very common in the celebrity world is failed marriages. How are the newer generation’s children supposed to know that, although what t hey see on the tv and in magazines, they are really supposed to marry someone because they love them and want to be with them for the rest of their lives? â€Å"Till death do us part.† right? Wrong the tv, music, and famous world is showing that it’s okay if marriages don’t work out, that they can just find someone else or someone’s at that matter. These celebrities like Kim Kardashion and Kris Humphries were married for 10 months. The only reason they got married was because marrying a famous basketball player with lots of money would defiantly give Kim the publicity she wanted. The opposition may argue that it’s their life and there’s no reason they should be judged by their private life; however, they are wrong because when someone is brought into this industry, their private life is all everyone hears about. Just because they are famous doesn’t mean they can’t get married because of love. An example of a good couple that shows a leader quality would be Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. They are both country singers and have been married for 16 years with three children. Who said that marriage in showbiz had to end so soon? A leader isn’t someone willing to stage a fake marriage for a bigger fan base. Concisely, these days it is getting increasingly hard to tell the difference between a true leader and role model from a fake one. In the celebrity business there are three characteristics such as, perfection, selfishness, and fakeness that results in, are once role models turning into people who we look down upon. It is important to look at people for who they are as a person and what they can do for the people around them, rather than idolizing people for their fashion, money and fame.

Can film as a medium support the development of ideas and techniques Essay

Can film as a medium support the development of ideas and techniques of representation on architecture - Essay Example Freed from realitys financial, logistical and legal constraints, cinema is an ideal medium that has been created for utopian visions and different approaches to architectural design. The power of film has helped to bring architectural ideas closer to a broad public, in such films as The cabinet of Dr. Caligari or Metropolis. The 20th century has experienced a shift from an attitude towards consideration of time and space. Therefore space was characterised by physical boundaries while time was continuous, both of which were defined by the stability of the structure. They were also characterised by closed systems consisting of universals free of an individual’s familiarity. The newly-found experience of space and time stood for multiplicity, fragmentation, or rather an open system free from universal continuity recognising the independence of the individual’s perceptions. The important experience was first demonstrated by the works of art forms of the early twenties, which included the simultaneity that is present in Futurism, Cubism, as well as the thriving film industry, which is covered in this paper. The proposal that time and space are intimately and inherently enjoined means that the likelihood of enjoining those forms of art is conventionally understood as spatial of the temporal. Whi le the features of a sound are straightforwardly affected by the space in which it is contained, the recognition of an image can only be understood as time passes by (Awan, Schneider and Till, 2011). The image, which is mobile, is the means through which space and time are inherently combined by means of motion, image, and sound. The moving image is capable of stimulating expectations, memories and presenting simultaneous occurrences in the presence of nonlinear division of space and time. As the new knowledge of space and time becomes stronger, the past, present and future can all be featured in any

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Concept of Ethnocentrism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Concept of Ethnocentrism - Essay Example Several nations and their cultures have placed themselves at the top of an imagined hierarchy of cultures and nations and therefore they have assigned other cultures lower ranks than theirs. This has led to the incorporation of the belief that one nation, its culture is superior, and that it will always be ahead of the rest hence making people believe this form of deception naturally. This form of belief has resulted in a few nations becoming the center of admirations making all other nations to strive to emulate the nations at the center in order to move higher in the imaginary rank. For example, the United States of America has always thought of itself as more powerful, more economically positioned, and as generally better in all spheres than other nations. This has been evidenced by the country's dabbling in the matters of other nations without much regard to the right formality that should be followed. A good illustration of this dabbling in the country's current involvement in a ffairs of Middle East, which is mainly castigated by the perceived belief that it is a superpower. This has led to the country spending a lot on affairs of other countries, which are not necessarily in its control, rather than focusing on funding development in needy developing countries. Cultural ethnocentrism continues to prevail in the majority of the African communities where the communities believe that these cultures are better than the rest and they in, particular, tend to be unreceptive to the western culture. They normally feel that their cultural order is threatened by the arrival of new groups and they thus strive to resist what they term as invaders in their communities. This evidenced by the disagreements in cultural markers of identity such as clothing and other visible elements which the people try by all means possible to uphold them despite the foreign influence.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Statistics Review Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Statistics Review Questions - Essay Example Correlation is a method to measure the association in between two variables. When we compare the correlating scores of two variables, we are trying to determine whether the variables are related to each other or not. The purpose of doing correlations is to allow us to make a prediction about one variable based on what we know about another variable.  Ã‚  Ã‚   A frequency distribution is the tabulation of raw data obtained by dividing it into  classes  of some size and computing the number of data elements (or their fraction out of the total) falling within each pair of  class boundaries. A frequency distribution can be modeled as a  histogram  or  as a pie chart (Frequency Distribution). A pie chart shows the differences between two separate variables or subjects. A pie chart is a graph that is in the shape of a circle which represents a total of 100%. Other variables or subjects are shown on the chart with respect to their relative percentages to the whole. The different subjects are shown in different colors and the size of each subject in the pie is proportional to the percentage of the subject. A bar graph shows raw data and it is designed to show different values of two or more subjects but instead of using the pie to represent data it uses horizontal and vertical bars that represent a different value. The bar graph has numbers along the side of the bars to indicate the value of the variable and there are scales which show what variable is being measured. The difference between the pie chart and the bar graph is that a bar graph is capable of showing change over time. While a single pie chart cannot show changes over time by itself, it can only represent the given percentages at a fixed point in time. A graphical display of a  frequency table is called a frequency polygon. The X-axis has the intervals shown on it while the number of scores in each interval is represented by the height of a point located above the middle of the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Long term care Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Long care - Term Paper Example sadena nursing home is one of the largest private nursing homes in Texas, offering excellent long term care services including medications and meals to both patients and their families. Located in Pasadena, within the greater Huston area, Texas, the long term care facility provides 24 hour nursing care services to a wide range of patients including seniors with disabilities and serious illnesses. The environment at the Houston based facility is particularly designed to provide the residents with a comfortable life and make them feel part of the community. Although many patients attending the facility are those requiring long term nursing and medical supervision, Courtyards at Pasadena also offers specialized long term care programs for a wide range of illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease. According to Courtyards at Pasadena’s official website (2014), the facility is managed by a for-profit corporation and is part of a multiple nursing home chain and not located in a particular hospital. With 196 beds and close to 125 residents, the registered nurse occupancy rate at Courtyards at Pasadena is above average. The nurses form part of the highly trained team of professionals at the facility who are always ready to provide all sorts of assistance towards developing individualized care plans for the patients in order to achieve the desired care goals. All the professional staff as well as the independent staff and consultants at the organization are highly committed to working with the residents and patients as partners in order to effectively meet their diverse individualized health care, coordination and rehabilitation needs. In addition, as part of its financial considerations, the organization allows its clients to explore available financial options including Medicaid, Medicare, private funding and insurance managed funding among others. However, what make Courtyards at Pasadena nursing home particularly special with regard to the provision of excellent care

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Marketing in Travel and tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Marketing in Travel and tourism - Essay Example This would require that the travel and the tourism organizations understand the demands of their customers meaning anticipation and identification of their wants and needs. Anticipating and identifying when used in travel and tourism marketing depends on effective market research that would involve researching on both the existing and potential markets. In marketing research, it is important that the customers be classified according to their socio-economic status, lifestyles, and family circumstances, gender among other factors. This may involve primary research such as surveys, observations or questionnaires and secondary research such as statistics and records, which may be qualitative or quantitative in nature. While classifying customers it is important to note that the target market consists of a whole group of potential customers from the entire population. It is therefore better for those involved in marketing of travel and tourism to define the target market as a collection of segments, what is normally referred to as market segmentation. When the market is segmented, each segment has distinct characteristics and its needs and wants must be satisfied in order to have the best results shown through profits earned. Various studies have dealt with tourist motivations and market segmentation showing that the factors that motivate tourists for leisure travel and tourism can be classified into two types that is the â€Å"push† and â€Å"pull† factors (Mehmet 2011, p.153). It is therefore imperative that stakeholders in the travel and tourism sectors must have a proper analysis on tourist motivation and related activities in order to understand leisure tourist destination choices. These factors also enhance the image of destinations and the interplay with satisfaction and loyalty of tourists that procure these services of tour and travel. Each destination

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Abstract Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Abstract - Assignment Example This wall provided a platform in which most artists created their art with the main aim of communicating. The street art in Germany, Berlin to be precise, went on after the wall was pulled down in the year 1989 when Germany was reunited again (Visconti et al., 520). Street art has been seen to have a large influence on both political and social cultures of people all over. For instance, artwork in San Francisco, worked a lot for the people by communicating with both leaders and society. It was used by people in San Francisco to struggle of peace movements, gay rights, and the horrors of capitalism. At the same time, the artwork in both the middle class, underprivileged and wealthy neighbourhoods, which always acts as a reminder for equality throughout social classes (Dickens, 70). Art work in Berlin, paid a lot more over the time when there was oppressive and the country was separated into two, street art, worked as the voice of the people without much rebellion and did not all go in vain, it led to Germany being reunified. At the same time, these artworks serves as the best custodian of the historical revolutions Germany has gone through (Riggle,

International Trade Laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

International Trade Laws - Essay Example This works for the higher competitive advantage of the national companies, and thus 'closing eyes' on the illegal actions foreign companies take abroad, as well as trying to sue them for the refund of the damages which national companies pay abroad, and which is often resolved for the benefit of the national company, is a means of fighting competition through the means and methods which are legal only on the surface. 'Competition law embodies an inherent conflict while protecting local consumers from monopolies, cartels and oligopolies - it ignores the very same practices when directed at foreign consumers'. (Francis, 1995) For example, even GATT /WTO rules allow the existence of the foreign trade cartels, and if the same actions would be considered to be illegal within the country, these actions are seen as proper and legal at the international level. (Mathis, 2002) It was interesting to note, that one of the literary sources recommends adoption of the claw back provisions for the poor countries, which would want to develop their export markets. These claw back provisions would allow local courts to refund any penalty payment put on the local company by a foreign entity for the violation of trade policies and using unfair methods of international trade. ... Let's have a closer look at the GATT International Antitrust Code, which has created the four main principles, violated through the use of claw back provisions. - National laws should be applied to solve international competition problems; - Parties, regardless of origin, should be treated as locals; - A minimum standard for national antitrust rules should be set (stricter measures would be welcome); and - The establishment of an international authority to settle disputes between parties over antitrust issues. (Tarullo, 2002) The use of claw back provision if the violation of the first noted principle - they are not crated in accordance with the international laws and they don not foster creation of the laws which would support competition on the international level. Moreover, 'parties, regardless origin, should be treated as locals'; however claw back provisions are clear examples of the absolutely opposite actions of the parties. Claw back provisions are often depicted as the best means of protecting the parties from the improper judicial treatment in the foreign country; however fighting illegal actions and unfair competition is possible only through the adoption and use of such fines and damage payments for the benefit of the party the rights of which were violated. According to the Havana Charter 1947, there is a list of actions which are supposed to be illegal and represent the moves of the unfair competition; among these actions are discriminating particular enterprises, excluding enterprises from a specific territorial market, etc. Claw back provisions, on the contrary give local (national) companies legal basis for unfair competition' actions in the foreign country through understanding that in case they are sued, their country of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Business Law - brief case using FIRAC method. and more Essay

Business Law - brief case using FIRAC method. and more - Essay Example Therefore, a person is considered liable for negligence if he or she has departed or violates the conduct which is expected of a â€Å"reasonably prudent person† who is acting under the same circumstance (Buswell 41). In the case of Duncan vs. Union Pacific, the court sought to establish whether there was negligence on the part of the Union Pacific, and particular how its train was operated. The court found out that there was no evidence to show that the train was operated negligently, and that its warning bells, whistles, and headlight were well activated before approaching the crossing. Paul Kleinman, the operator of the train had seen the car approaching but he believed it would stop. However, the car did not stop and it was too late for him to stop the train and avoid hitting the car. Besides, the Utah Department of Transportation was satisfied that the railroad crossing had met all the required safety standards; the court was thus satisfied that the state of the crossing was good and it could not be attributed to the accident. Even though the court concurred that the railroad crossing is hazardous, its simple existence was not in itself a breach of duty of care (a key element in establishing negligence). John O. Hairstons died as a result of a collision on the South Fork River Bridge on 17 April 1978. Hairston negotiated the purchase of a 1978 Lincoln Continental automobile on Friday, 14 April 1978, at Haygood Lincoln Mercury, Inc. in Lowell, North Carolina. Apparently, as he waited, the service department employees at Haygoods replaced the standard wheels with turbine wheels from another automobile. After travelling for approximately 3.5 miles following conclusion of transaction at Haygood, the left rear wheel of the new Lincoln car came off. Thereafter, he was hit by a G.M.C truck operated by Robert Alexander and he died. Alexander Tank argued that Haygood’s negligence was the proximate cause of Hairston’s death. The rule of law

Monday, July 22, 2019

On the Road by Jack Kerouac Essay Example for Free

On the Road by Jack Kerouac Essay â€Å"On the Road† by Jack Kerouac is largely autobiographical work attributed to the genre of stems of consciousness creation. The novel is based on the author’s spontaneous trips with his friends across mid-century America. The novel is deeply inspired by poetry, jazz and drug experiences. The author has changed many of the names, but most references are claimed to be real-world counterparts. In the five parts and sixteen chapters the author describes restless and crazy journeys of Dean, Sal and his friends across the country. Dean Moriarty plays important role in the novel progression as he symbolizes the changeable nature of human relations and the dark side of society. Nevertheless, he pushes and inspires other to act towards their destinies symbolizing changes and shifts. Dean is certainly negative character, though he has positive impact of Sal – one of the protagonists – as he makes his stronger and more confident. Dean lives in San Francisco, travels across the country. Kerouac defines Dean as â€Å"the perfect guy for the road because he actually was born on the road†. (p. 0) However, he presents Dean as wild and mad character stressing that it is his craziness and energy that affects others to act. Dean drinks a lot, uses drugs and has many women. Moreover, he is a father of four children from two different women. Dean manages to change the life values of Sal. For example, before Sal meets Dean, he had â€Å"just gotten over a serious illness that†¦had something to do with†¦my feeling that everything was dead†. (p. 10) Dean’s character can be defined as embodiment of the whirlwind day and as Sal’s shifts from the East to the West Coast. Dean symbolizes changes acting as mechanism for movement beginning. Dean is zealous and wild personality, though he is captivating as well. Sal says about Dean: â€Å"the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . (p. 14-15) Therefore, Dean’s character plays crucial role for Sal’s development as personality, as well as he is the embodiment of passion for life and constant activity.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Once Upon A Time by Gabriel Okara

Once Upon A Time by Gabriel Okara The poet of the poem Once upon a time is Gabriel Okara who is a Nigerian. He was born on 24th or 21st of April in the year 1921.In that year Nigeria got independence from Britain so at that time they were still influenced by the British culture. The background of the poem is that he is remembering the way people used to behave and interact with each other and he is comparing it with how people interact with others now. How the people used to do things with their hearts and with pleasure and happiness. It describes what happens when a traditional African culture and civilisation meets with the western culture. My personal opinion of the purpose of this poem is to outline the behaviour and personality people have at the moment and try and bring them back to the personality that people used to have, when they used to do things with emotion and with their heart The poem is a conversation between a father and his son where the son does things with emotion and the father wants to forget his fake personality and re-learn and create real personalities from his son. And he is asking the son to show him how to express true love and show real personality to others. It the first stanza the author mentions that people used to laugh with their heart they used to laugh with their emotions, when they would laugh they would do it wholeheartedly and with warmth and they used to laugh with their eyes and show pleasure with them. And know they do it with only their teeth not with their heart, meaning they do not really want to laugh but do it just to get closer to you and with their darky gloomy cold eyes they watch you and wait for you from the corner of their eyes waiting for you to leave search behind my shadow. In my opinion the words they refer to the white people who had invaded their country and influenced them with their culture. In this stanza the words ice-block-cold eyes is used these words emphasize the coldness and the inner hatred they have for you like they can freeze water with their gaze. These also make the poem feel a bit dark and cold and a slight bit sinister In the second stanza he further talks about the personalities of the people of the past he says they used to shake with their hearts here he is trying to say that when you would meet each other you will shake their hands with pleasure and with warmth and do it willingly. While their left hands search my empty pockets from this we can see that they are trying to use him to get to his money or receive something from him. This also shows that the peoples personalities are not real and true In the third stanza he is talking about when people ask you to come again and say feel at home you go there once, twice and the third time they will not let you in thinking that you are a pest and that they do not wanted to see you anymore. The words feel at home is used for when you want a guest to feel welcomed and that they belong in that household. Here he mentions that I find the doors shut on me this shows that they do not even open the door to tell him that he is not wanted and the moment but instead leaves the door closed keeping him standing outside. This also shows that when people speak they lie not telling the truth but just saying something nice to grasp their heart. In the fourth stanza he talks about how he has learned to put on faces like how outfits and masks are put on at different times, and with different people you act differently, for example in the office you act in one way to a person but when you meet them on the street you act another way to them, and how all the faces that people have on different occasions. He says I have learned too which is suggesting that he has also changed with the change of the people around him. he also mentions with all their conforming smiles like a fixed portrait suggesting that they all have the same smile all the time not showing any true emotion. In the fifth stanza he says that he has also been influenced by the people around him and he has learned to keep his true personality a secret and show the world a fake personality, to laugh with only me teeth this part is connected with the part in the first stanza they only laugh with their teeth from this you can see a comparison of what people do and what he does now. This also shows that he has changed to blend in with the environment. Here in the part where he says I have also learned to say `Goodbye when I mean `Good-riddance that is pointing out to the fact that they will, without thinking and without meaning it they will say Goodbye. He mentions forward that Glad to meet you meaning that he is happy to see you and is happy with your presence without being glad meaning that the did not wanted to talk to you and they disliked your presence and if they could they would of avoided you and its been nice talking to you, after being bored saying that they say things that they do no t mean In the fifth stanza he concludes it all saying that he does not like what he has become and he wants to be like he used to be when he was like a child so small and innocent. He points out that he really wants to learn how to laugh with emotions like you really mean it and he compares his laugh like that of a snakes fangs that shows only the teeth snakes are those menacing creatures that are full of venom and can never be trusted and to compare his laugh with a snake gives the image that the man really does not like his fake personality. This stanza sums it well by giving the image to the reader that he is not happy and satisfied with himself The last stanza is the farther asking and pleading to his son to show him how to laugh and smile like he did when he was a child. The last line sums up the entire poem really well making sure that all strings are tied The structure of the poem is really good and consistent most of the stanzas have 6 lines in them. It is a very nice poem with a nice smooth flow

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Moral and Social Responsibility Practices in Small Business

Moral and Social Responsibility Practices in Small Business There are so many kind of people within different country in the world. Some people will only care about themself and unscrupulously to complete their target and some people will care about the country future. This kind of selfish people will destroy our country’s economy. So, ethical and social responsibility is so important to our country. From a conceptual framework, the impact seems to ethical and social responsibility approach to financial and non-financial performance of SMEs (small and medium-size entreprises) in Malaysia. Ethical business practices and social responsibility is seen as a strong reason to build a multi-ethnic community in harmony between Malaysias business dealings turn may affect the overall performance of SMEs in the key. In Malaysia, there was so many different kind of business. In different business interests, ethics and social responsibility practices of different cultural perspectives and unique historical skills and understanding of the industrys business environment can provide a wealth of perceptual framework. Although it was reported that there is a minimum distance of cultural between Malays, Chinese and Indians, but it may face a variety of challengers in the business environment, awareness of ethics and socially responsibility. So we can envisaged that this study can provide a deeper knowledge and understanding of the cultural different between the entrepreneur in Malaysia for the greeting values, ethics and socially responsibility practices and promote a better understanding of personal values that held in Malaysia. According (Noor Hazlina Admad, Azlan Amran and Hasliza Abdul Halim 2012) the study, for the introduction, that was influence the behavior of existing entrepreneurs on business ethics and national culture of a prolific discussion. There was some scholars seeking to move beyond national cultures suggest focusing on more fine-grained variations within a nation. In Malaysia, the intercultural differences provide an important reflection on the existence and range of values and beliefs within a nation. Certainly, it was cautioned that may be linguistic, regional, tribal, ethic or caste cleavages within nations that may sometimes make national data non-representative for the nation. It is believed that there still exist some values among the three major racial groups which was Malay, Chinese and Indian. These three major racial groups can be markedly from different dominant culture, especially in business practices. This is because the ethnic divisions tend to be reinforced by religious, cu ltural, linguistic and economic divisions in Malaysia. The reason is the ways of thinking of people are behavior, personal, cultural values entrepreneurs may also affect the business environment in the moral and social responsibility practices prevalent cognitive. After that, there are three important reasons as to why these practices in smaller firms should be examined more closely. Firstly, there is a large disparity in the number of studies of ethical and social responsibility issues between large firms and small firms. There was work on ethics and social responsibility has been largely concentrated on large firms particularly in the context of Malaysia until now. Secondly, small businesses have a strong interrelated community in which it operates. Typically, they deal with who live in the local are mark that ethical and socially responsible business behavior is an important factor for creating a customers harmony business-customer relationship in the local community. Thirdly, there is increasing number of people awareness on ethics and social responsibility, thus leading to social disapproval is considered bad ethics or corporate irresponsibility. For the â€Å"good ethic is good for business† notion, this means that if we want our business stay longer and stronger, the ethical behavior is the reason. If we ignore the ethic, it would have an adverse impact on our own business. According (Noor Hazlina Admad, Azlan Amran and Hasliza Abdul Halim 2012) study by Corruption Perception Index (2009) reported that it was reported that Malaysia was ranked 56th of the 180 countries studied that the way behind other Asian countries. This means that Malaysia is just a medium country in Asian. Although the CPI report is not limited to small business, but this is a general ethical standards reflected between the people in this country. Regard to the social responsibility, there was reported that the Council of Small Business Organization of Australia had received a sample of 9000 revealed show that a strong socially responsible behaviors especially in terms of providing support for the local community. â€Å"There was a genuine enthusiasm for the notion of corporate social responsibility which was viewed as duty†, this is the result found out of the Australian. This was happening among the SMEs in Australia. On the contrary, it was noted that in regard to the mora l sense of corporate social responsibility and smaller still relatively lacking in Malaysia. This is because the focus on such issues in Malaysia is often directed to large firms compared to smaller firms. Nevertheless, for the question of ethics and social responsibility, small businesses may be due to larger peers and different characteristics of these companies from nature to a certain extent. Small firms are, by nature, independent and self-managed. Presumably, the main aspects of morality will revolve around personal values, the owners themselves, and not bound by the ethical code of conduct as a large companys belief. ‘Multitasking’ is another key criterion of small businesses. Besides that, the variety of tasks facing small business owners can make them less time to consider ethics in the daily management. In addition, according to the notice what constitute personal and business ethics are probably closer in situations where the owner is also the manager in a business. Relatively speaking, recession has greater impact on small firms compared to larger ones, making business survival one of the top agenda among smaller firms. It means that ethic and social responsibility will make the small business survive in the challengers. Because of these limitations faced with small business owners, it is vital, so be careful to check the moral and social responsibility to consider to what extent is suitable for small businesses. In surmise, the purpose of this paper is to address these issues for examples, ethics and social responsibility in SMEs by advancing a conceptual framework that links the personal value of SME owner-managers, the ethical and socially responsi ble practices, and business performance. Followed by a conceptual framework beginning of this article, some propositions are formulated in the discussion of the relevant literature, and during use. Then, subsequent data collection methods will be used to sample and measure presents brief details. Finally, this paper summarizes the discussion of research and its impact. On the other hand, Malaysia is a multi-ethnic country that contains 27 million people. That have the three largest ethnic in our country, it is Malays, Chinese and Indian. Malaysia also has many smaller ethnic in the country. Because of this multi-ethnic composition of communities, many people believe that Malaysians have different cultural values, even though there is evidence that similar cultural value orientation. Malaysians generally share examples of collectivism and relationships. The only difference found among the three races was in terms of religiosity, with Malays holding religious beliefs to be far more important than their Chinese and Indian counterparts. However, people think different communities and ethical groups within a country, with their diverse business interests, different cultural perspectives and unique history of the skills and industry to understand the ethical and social responsibility practices in the business environment of the rich perceptual framework. It was a contention that personal or cultural values held by individuals may lead to different views on what is considered to be right or wrong, moral or immoral, and social responsibility, or otherwise. Interestingly, an investigation of cultural values in Malaysia using the right cultural values suggests that Malays, Chinese and Indians share similar cultural values. However, the increased pressure from economic development could result in changes in term of cultural values. Therefore, even if there are reported that the minimum distance between the cultures of Malays, Chinese and India, is likely to be a different business environment facing challenger cognitive moral and social responsibility on a certain bearing. Since the SMEs in Malaysia are labor-intensive, they will create employment opportunities. Secondly, SMEs enhance regional development and create more equitable income distribution due to their location and ongoing expansion throughout the broader community. Thirdly, SMEs play a vital complementary role in relation to larger firms. In many cases, large firms depend on SMEs as suppliers and distributors. For example, many SMEs in Malaysia supply component parts, tools, and equipment to larger manufacturing firms. Large firms also rely on SMEs for the distribution of their products to the consumer. Fourthly, SMEs serve as a training ground for developing the skills of workers and entrepreneurs. Finally, the presence of SMEs curbs the monopoly power of larger firms and provides the structure of the economy with greater flexibility. Thus, a country can strengthen SMEs and to ensure its success in reducing its vulnerability to financial crises. To promote the harmonious business and societal relationship, we should suggests to the word â€Å"ethics is not a luxury of advanced economies; it is an indispensable means to foster economic development†. Therefore, in developing economies to understand their daily business activities, such as the importance of the structure, especially in the context of Malaysia, small business is crucial. There may here also gives information about the entrepreneurs personal values may affect the moral and social responsibility practices cross-cultural variation. As a large company code of ethical conduct of business ethics research has been the center of attention. With a view that ethical practices should be the guiding principle for all businesses, large or small, researchers have begun to investigate the small business ethics gaining momentum. A study found that the interests of small businesses in the UK has experienced around the stakeholders, the protection of knowledge and informat ion, legal and moral obligations, as well as issues of personal and business decisions conflict is a moral issue. It is also uses a dilemma to determined that small business owners have faced, including the maximization of profits, life priority, enlightened self-interest and social priorities of the four problems. When the concept was first developed more than twenty years ago, companies are finding it difficult to operate their business practices, because it requires sacrifice to be carried out in the financial level. However, recently, the organizations leaders have begun to recognize the importance of social responsibility in business. Specifically, they found that small businesses have expressed their willingness to make arrangements to meet the requirements of social responsibility, especially their customers, their employees and the public. Through the lens of business, ethics and social responsibility practices are considered in the long run, help the economy entrepreneurs. In a rapidly changing and unpredictable environment, socially responsible behavior, to help businesses get the support from various external stakeholders groups. Such behavior, to provide them with some protection from unforeseen problems they face. It is also important to note that an organizations image and reputat ion may be in good moral behavior shaping public effects. Taken together, the benefits of ethical and socially responsible practices enable competitive advantage to be attained as a firm distinguishes itself from its competitors. Apart from a business perspective, entrepreneurs show such subtle gesture is considered to be the mechanism to promote the harmonious business and social relationships. In particular, it can enhance trust, cooperation, and taking into account that people can understand why other people behave the way they tolerates each other in three different ethnic groups. The three elements are intrinsically important because they are core characteristics that positively affect the emotional and interpersonal aspects of the work and life relationships. Because of this moral and social responsibility survey should get more attention and make the people think that important of it. The foregoing discussion is a strong link between the imaginary moral and social practice, results of operations, relations harmonious society, indicating the stakeholder theory, both from tool and normative perspective. The instrumental stakeholder theory methods treat the interests of maximizing the wealth of the company by means of stakeholder interests meet to achieve, whereas the fundamental assumption of normative approach to stakeholder theory suggests that â€Å"a company should behave in a socially responsible manner because it is morally correct to do so†. Based on this underpinning theory, conceptual framework is advanced for further investigation. Personal values of the SME entrepreneurs from the three main races in Malaysia are treated as the independent variable. Perceived role of ethics and social responsibility as well as ethical and socially responsible practices in business are mediating variables. The dependent variable is business performance in the context of SME. From this paper (Noor Hazlina Admad, Azlan Amran and Hasliza Abdul Halim 2012) ,we can make a stage to solve this problem. Firstly, in practice, we should provide between Malaysian entrepreneurs on values, ethics and social responsibility in a better understanding of cross-cultural differences. Secondly, we should promote a better understanding of the interaction of the three individual values in business practices and ethnic groups held in Malaysia. Then, we need to find the SME entrepreneurs consider important ethical and social responsibility practices. For the fourth point, we need to make sure that if this practice ethical and social responsibility does affect results of operations for example financial and non-financial. After that, fifth point is benefit of society, it will promote a harmonious business and taking into account the related parties of this study will inspire the similarities and differences between them, the strong ground of public relations in a multiracial soc iety. In conclusion, the value of this study lies in its efforts to provide moral and social responsibility practices and informed understanding of small businesses, especially in the environment of Malaysia. Determine the signal such noble approach because of its strong interaction with employees, customers and the local community about this approach, especially an important message is ubiquitous in small businesses. Ethical and social responsibility considerations are considered critical in view of harmony business enterprise, customer business relationships and community business could enhance the companys performance and to a greater extent, promoted the establishment of trust, respect for community solidarity and integrity. Importantly, this study will alert was similar and look at ethics and social responsibility in a manner different from each ethnic community and entrepreneurs, especially in Malaysia. The awareness of ethical business practices among smaller firms could also furnis h a healthier economy as they make up more than 80% of all establishments in most countries. Above all, business practitioners should realize that ethics, social responsibility and profit making can go hand in hand; they are not conflicting agendas. Therefore, the challenge of entrepreneurship education and policy-makers face is to recognize the unique aspects of these practices of SMEs, rather than through the lens of large companies the problem of moral and social responsibility corporate policy but as for creating competitive advantage for small businesses. Training programs that could portray the relationships among strategic planning, ethics, and social responsibility of the entrepreneurs is of great value. Finally, ethical is important to our country, it is because ethical and social responsibility can make our economy become better or badly. So all people in Malaysia need to unite and always help each other even not same ethnic to make our country become a stronger country an d increase our economy in future.

John Wayne as an American Icon Essays -- John Wayne Marion Morrison Ac

John Wayne as an American Icon Marion Morrison, also known as John Wayne, is perhaps one of the most popular movie personalities ever. He began as a mere stagehand, but by the end of his career he had developed himself as a very successful actor, producer, and director. Marion Michael Morrison was born on May 26, 1907, in Winterest, Iowa. His father, Clyde, worked as a pharmacist, and John Wayne thought of his father as the â€Å"kindest, most patient man I ever knew.† Later on in life, John Wayne’s father developed a critical lung disease. Wayne said that his mother, Mary was â€Å"a tiny, vivacious redheaded bundle of energy.† John Wayne was nicknamed â€Å"The Duke† after his pet as a child that was named Airedale. Early in his life, John and his parents moved to California. After graduating from high school and failing admission to Annapolis, John Wayne went to the University of Southern California (USC) and played on a football scholarship from 1925-27. During this time, Tom Mix, a friend of John’s, got him a job as a prop man for a director by the name of John Ford. Ford and Wayne became close friends and Ford used Wayne for small parts in some of his movies. Then finally in 1930, Ford suggested to Raoul Walsh that Wayne star in The Big Trail. The film bombed, but it was a start to Wayne’s career as an actor in leading roles. Wayne’s first feature film was also in 1930. It was titled Men Without Women. After more than seventy low-budget adventures, John Ford cast Wayne in Stagecoach in 1939. This movie is where John Wayne emerged as a major star. From this point on, there was no turning back for â€Å"The Duke.† But in 1963, Wayne began to have health problems. He had a cancerous lung removed during in 1963. Then in 1978, he had open-heart surgery. He then had his stomach removed in 1979, just before dying from lung and stomach cancer on June 11, 1979. Throughout his career as an actor, John Wayne won a variety of different awards, achievements and accomplishments. In 1950, at the Photoplay Awards, John Wayne won his first award when he received the award for the Most Popular Male Star because of his work in the 1949 film, Sands of Iwo Jima. Also in 1950, â€Å"The Duke† was nominated for Best Actor at the Academy Awards for Sands of Iwo Jima. In 1953, Wayne was named the World Film Favorite male actor at the Golden Globe Awards. Seven ... ...eared in a number of Coors Beer commercials. Of course, this was done through the use of computerized virtual images. But, it’s still nice to see that he still has an influence on us. It is still very common to see â€Å"The Duke’s† face lingering around on television. Perhaps, he paved the way for such movie stars as Clint Eastwood, who also has made a name for himself through western films. Without a doubt, there will never be anyone quite as influential and all-American as â€Å"The Duke†. Everyone respected John Wayne. You might even say that some people were frightened by the rugged western and the war roles that he played. When our country was off fighting World War II, John Wayne was unable to be in the military because of an inner ear problem, but reports say that his movies about war kept everyone’s spirits up. He was a very patriotic man in real life, not only in film, and in my opinion, he is definitely an American icon. Bibliography: â€Å"The Wages of Virtue.† Time Magazine 3 Mar. 1952: 64-69 Freer, Ian and Hamilton, Jake. â€Å"The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time.† Empire Magazine Oct. 1997: 190 Nardo, John. John Wayne. Chelsea House Publishers, 1995.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Heart of Darkness - Summary Essay -- essays research papers

Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is based on Conrad’s firsthand experience of the Congo region of West Africa. Conrad was actually sent up the Congo River to an inner station to rescue a company agent who died a few days later aboard ship. The story is told by a seaman named Charlie Marlow and is rearranged through the thoughts of an unidentified listening narrator. This story, on level, is simply about a voyage into the heart of the Congo. On another level, it is about the journey into the soul of mankind. On a boat anchored in the Thames River outside London, a sailor named Marlow remarks to his friends that the land they’re standing on was once a place of darkness and an uncivilized wilderness. This contemplation leads him to remember an incident in his past when he commanded a steamboat on the Congo River. When retelling his story, Marlow is a young man anxious to see the unexplored African jungles. An influential aunt in obtains an position as captain of a Congo steamer for Marlow. But when he arrives at the Company's Outer Station in Africa, he's faced with a horrible display of black slavery and white greed and hostility. In a shady grove he discovers a crew of sickly African workers that have crawled away to die. He also meets the Company's chief accountant, who mentions a man named Kurtz who is a remarkable agent that has sent more ivory from the jungle than the other agents combined. Marlow's interest is perked in Kurtz and will eventually grow into an unhealthy obsession and become the focus of the story. After a difficult journey, Marlow arrives at the Company's Central Station where he learns that the steamer he was supposed to command has been destroyed in a wreck. He meets the local manager, who mentions Kurtz and says that Kurtz is assumed to be ill at his station up the river and that it's necessary to get to him as quickly as humanly possible. One night Marlow talks with one of the agents at the station, who speaks of Kurtz with great esteem and admiration but also with resentment at the talents that make him a likely candidate for a job promotion. He says that Kurtz is one of those types of men that have come to Africa not only to gain wealth, but with the notion of spreading enlightenment to the uneducated people. On another occasion, while na... ...ach his minion’s camp. Marlow and Kurtz make an intense departure the next day, surrounded by warriors who seem ready to attack under the leadership of a barbaric looking woman. But Marlow, again, sounds the whistle and frightens them away. As they sail back down the river on the vessel, Kurtz's life slowly slips away and on his deathbed he has a moment of enlightenment or a vision, and he cries out, "The horror! The horror!" before he dies. Marlow is also stricken by the fever that claimed Kurtz’ life and nearly dies. He survives the fever and returns to Brussels. Upon arriving in Brussels, he decides to visit Kurtz’s fiancà ©e to inform her of her intended’s passing. In mourning, she is heartbreakingly devoted to the memory of Kurtz, whom she thinks was noble and generous until the end of his life. She pleads with Marlow to relay to her Kurtz’s last words and Marlow simply cannot bear to tell her of Kurtz’s true nature or what really happened. And so, sparing her emotions and not finding it within himself to shatter her illusions: "The last word he pronounced was- your name," he says to her and she shrieks and collapses in tears.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

“The Things They Carried” By Tim O`Brien

The beauty of this story is in its subtlety and depth. The most interesting inquiry of all as regards this piece is how Martha’s letters and pictures come to play in the story. The letters and pictures may symbolize hope or even false hope, despair, distraction, confusion, love or others. The answer depends on whether one views the story as about war, love, some days in the life of Jimmy Cross or other possible themes around which the story may revolve. Based on the way the story was told, these theories and interpretations are all possible.What caught my attention in particular, in relation to Martha’s letters and pictures, are the enumeration of the reasons and purposes people in the story carry the things they do. All of these purposes revolve around the fact that â€Å"they carry things by necessity† (p. 714). Even those which they carry by superstition (p. 717) may be deemed to have been carried as a necessity because these things help them acquire courage a nd belief, if not in their victory, in their survival. However, among all the things he carried, Jimmy Cross carries Martha’s love letters.Is this really necessary? This may not even qualify as superstition because there does not appear any belief on his part that the letters will provide him some protection from the war. At this point, the author effectively created an inconsistency that is too subtle to be noticed, but is too important that the story revolves around it. The story is also filled with enumerations of the things they carried. However, it is interesting that, while it constitutes the bulk of the story, this enumeration is actually not the story itself.It is included merely to demonstrate the inconsistency mentioned and thus give further emphasis to the value of Martha’s letters for Jimmy and for the story. I also admire the author for being able to tell the story and convey the emotions of the characters through descriptions of what are happening rather than through direct statements of the emotions felt, thus allowing the readers freedom to interpret and visualize. An example of this is the author’s description of Martha during her volleyball accident (p. 715) and the description of the things carried by different people in the story.1. What do you think is the author’s purpose in stating more than once in the story that Martha signed her letters and pictures with Love, but that he knew better that this is just a customary way of signing a letter and does not really mean anything? Is this to show that Martha does not love Jimmy? Is it to create doubt as to whether Martha does not really love Jimmy? What other purposes can there be? 2. This story enumerates many material things men carry at war. However, in one part of the story (p. 724), the author wrote the sentence â€Å"[t]he things men carried inside.What does the author mean by this? What are the things men carried inside? Relate this to the statement ate the e nd of the story that â€Å"their days would seem longer and their loads heavier† (p. 725). 3. React on this statement. â€Å"[H]is obligation was not to be loved but to lead† (p. 725). Is it possible to dispense with love completely? Can a person in a war lead and be loved at the same time? Is there room for love when there is war? Work Cited O’Brien, Tim. â€Å"The Things They Carried (1986). † Worlds of Fiction. Ed. Rubinstein and Larson. Macmillan Coll Div, 1993. 713-725.

The experience of love as described in the poetry section, Love and loss of the Tracks2 anthology

. The scratch distich of songs, First get it on by magic Cl ar and A birthday by Christina Rossetti be two(prenominal) songs which getup the early and faint kindlinged stages of chicane, the beginning being much pessimistic as listing the nix do of deal- its symptoms rather than its positive side, the second depiction the writes happiness to be in the bag of love.The wasting disease of blind drunk imaging is diaphanous in both pieces as they tackle what goes through atomic number 53s mind when in love, al potassiumgh it bets that the motive poem is to a greater extent on the somatogenetic side of the subject rather than the emotional. Christina Rossettis poem seems to be full of joy to her lovers coming, if non reasonably vague in that aspect, until one learns that her lover was really standardizedly idol and that it was death for whi9ch she was so eagerly hold for. The beginning poems love seems unrequited, which seems to be the flood tide of it- the anxiousness of the rootage to are flowers the winters option? Rossetti does non give much discernment into the details of her love, entirely it seems that she has no worries of this- she seems more in control of her love. This is evident through rossettas use of over-embellished run acrossry, from watching the rich vair, which was utilise as a medieval hide cloak lining to the sovereign peacocks with a hundred eye. Clare gives the impression that he is physically under her control this deduction whoremonger be drawn from the carriage my legs ref employ to walk a focussing which shows his great weakness to this particular-in blood line to the in-control Rossetti style love.A resemblance that both poems share is the use of immanent imagery to convey emotions regarding love, Clare resorts to describing her face as a sweet flower which seems to be the virtually innate(p) image in the poem, in subscriber line to the slightly pitiful insofar powerful images of blood burn around his heart and turning frantically pale. Christina Rossetti s poem in any case uses natural imagery alone more in the first part. The poem is non really divided in each federal agency, unless the reader will feel that way due to the split use of imagery of her former descriptions of My heart, followed by her orders as the sovereign noble.The imagery she uses can be easily associated with nobility since it includes the royal vair, which was a valuable fur lining of garments use in the medieval sentences. It is therefore non hapal that Rossetti was obsessed with the middle ages, oddly the Italian style of tortureting at this time. Her imagery is therefore non save when rich, exactly slightly old make doves and pomegranates were signets often utilise on shields of royal houses and clans.The gender of the writer seems to conduct an exercise on the portrayal of love, Clare is victim, describing slightlyone who steal my heart away complete, whilst Rossetti is the more in-control adult female which is hold for her love in splendour of royalty. The other apparently unimportant detail is that of the poems title, which of the 2 the latter seems to have a deeper meaning. A Birthday on first impression is a situation associated with joy and merrymaking, which is partly true to the emotions the former is expressing, yet it does not mean a birthday in the stately sense of celebrating your birth, but in this case her rebirth.This rebirth can be interpreted as her waiting for death and her lover to be God, the images of stinkiness and splendour can also be interpreted as in a more morose scene the vair and colour dyes of the coffin and the fleurs-de-lis as the funeral bouqet. The title of Clares poem simply gives an overall of the poem following, the incident of first love and the pains as well as pleasures that the author goes through during the whole ordeal the physical pain of blood burning around his heart to the mental pai n of uncertainty to her feelings towards him.The simplicity and consequently the impressive effect of both poems is a comparison to both, they both hoarfrost e actually two lines shoot- proceeds and both flow as abcbdcec. The poems are both divided into parts, much like paragraphs or the chapters of a book, they express slightly disaccordent emotions and change the context in every one of these parts. The second geminate of poems is When we two parted by skipper Byron and Villegiature by Edith Nesbit. These are now to the highest degree a much later strain of love, showing its condition after it has slenderly decayed and the sexual love has fizzled fall out.Both of the poets in comparison to the first set seem to suffer more as a result of their relationship than have any enjoyment out of it. The most awesome image presented by lord Byron is that of their parting, as well as his later teasing why was she so dear. Villegature is the more light-hearted of the two, the auth or going on her very own holiday, the word Villegature is French, which misleads the reader into cerebration the poem will be about romance, unless truly revealing the poets true emotions at the rather shocking end, how you always pudding head me The poems both express the expectations that the poets have of their lovers, this seems to differ with the poets gender, since lord Byron demands loyalty from his mistress, which is evident when he mentions that light is thy fame, fame meaning her social spatial relation is that she could be regarded as a cleaning woman of loose morals. The demands of Nesbit are quiet different, in light-hearted humour, she expresses her proclivity for romance and passion, which has evidently vanished, from her relationship.The relationship is not described in great detail, but it is very likely that they have been unneurotic for a long time Nesbits poem fits the description of a married couple-in concert for the sake of wedlock. original Byrons attachment to his mistress, Long, long shall I rue thee. Is evident through his plectrum of parting haggle in the first spot and the way he unbosom seems to love her after all those eld. When we two parted portrays love which is pulled like a puppet on strings by society, when her name is spoken of badly Byron knows that he cannot continue to love her in aid of exposing their relationship. The partnership was a concealed one, in secret we met, kept away from the preying eyes of society for a reason that the poet does not give. Byron alternates between different emotions through the stances of the poem, ranging from his love for her to disregard of her and grieving for their dead relationship. schoolmaster Byron also uses questions in the last two stances to draw precaution to the expressions used. The two questions contrast in the poets emotions, the first Why wert thou so dear? questions the emotional disbursement of his lover whilst the second How should I tell apart thee? betrays the poets ever present sentiments for her, With silence and tears. the very same way they parted years before. The poet questioning himself gives a good insight to his emotions through his answers and their splendor by the way they are made to stand out by the use of dashes after them, A shudder comes oer me-.Villvegature also highlights the importance of some phrases through the use of similes hale self long leagues away draws attention to the fact that he is no womb-to-tomb an object of great admiration or interest in the poet, she also uses the words deep in dull books to punctuate his insipidness and the contrast of reality to her fantasized wild-eyed lover, who is much like a Romeo who climbs a tree to reach his aficionado, the poet. The poem by lord Byron also shows some shame with his partner, perhaps more with her being unpatriotic to him, but he does also mention that their passion grew somewhat stale,Colder thy kiss.The shame comes from the fact that she broke all her vows and no longer is loyal to him. The use of quixotic imagery is evident in both poems, in Villegature it is more the reputation or env cast-ironment which seems to be affected by romance- The pear-tree boughs are mentioned three times, in the first second and thirdly stances, the poet also dialogue of pearls of song in the concluding stance, the hardly aquatic gem being the pearl.Lord Byrons poem uses imagery, which describes more of his lover than the nature or scenery, Pale grew thy cheek yet not much imagery is used in his poem compared to the works of Christina Rossetti or even John Clare. The reason for the contrast between the two poems may be that Edith Nesbit used excessive romanticism in her poem to fool the reader into thinking that she loves her partner or that the poem is not a fantasy, but an actual activity, although in the first stance she does use the image of your ghost, which is smelling(p) of a holding she had of her lover.The last poem is A woman to her lover by Christina Walsh. This is the poem, which demonstrates the expectations of a liberated woman to her potence lover it has an aroma of womens lib about it and seems like a average set of refusals that a 20th ampere-second woman could make. Aside from being very inspirational and emotion provoking, the poem also is an interesting expression of the poets attitude to love and life, more careful and in a way determined than the earlier poems concerning love.The author this time seems to attack her male oppressors by generating some very persuasive arguments, such as by putting the apteral nonsuch or the hoot in, without argument, a negative light. The poet is very critical of the average potential lover, in the first three stances, picture down a set of iron rules that he must abide to in order to be her co-equal in marriage. Her chiding is evident through her counter-glorification of the stereotypical, yet lamentably often common desires of men are to h ave a doll to trim back and sit for feeble worship or to have my skin soft only for your fond caresses.The use of the words As conqueror to the vanquished is also interesting- to me forming an image of the Spanish armada putting the capturing the helpless natives, in time turning them into a bond knuckle down a slave with a bond to its master so they could not buy themselves out after their purpose of servitude has passed. The last stance concentrates mostly on what the poet expects of her lover, setting down the fundaments of the conditions in which a relationship with her could potentially bloom.Walsh uses words reminiscent of an alliance rather than the more conventional relationship of two lovers, your comrade, friend, mate together co-equal, giving a very mercantile description of a relationship bring out of the afore mentioned (wingless angel etc. ) conventional entities, not wanting to be a energise toy to satisfy his clamorous desire, but to know the purity and height o f passion, refusing to be a placid doll or a holy wingless angel and using clear and strong words to express this fool, I dare you to express her distaste for the men who transmit enjoyment in this.In the first stance, she expresses a different kind of divergency than in the second or third since the latter does not require her to do any manual work, she refuses No retainer will I be. some other point worth mentioning of the last stance is the way the marriage is described, the imagery used being so artistic and whimsical music of the spheres for bridal march , The stars to express joy with joy ,words which emphasise how different the marriage ceremony will be if the love is true and pure, if it is based on caller and passionate love- a contradiction of the poets most despised image of the foolish man.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Evaluation of Voluntourism Essay

A ignore has started in the recent years, where large number participate in organizations that unremarkably claim to be back up ontogenesis countries. This trend is fuelled by the spreadhead year phenomenon, which is defined as a period of time among 3 and 24 months taken out of education or a work venerationer. (Jones, 2004) With warmth of making a difference, more and more slew select volun touristry, combination of tourism and propose projects, as their gap year holiday option. Despite the well-intended enthusiasm, opinions regarding the contri exactlyion of voluntourism on local anesthetic anesthetic alliance ar divided. The primary jazz of debate is whether voluntourism provide help to the local communities. slice or so hearkers using surveys find local hoi polloi satisfied with bid tourists, some otherwise interrogation looking into quality, tasks, pauperism and local need of voluntourism chip in strand it doing more harm than good. Such a defamat ory trend has made the UK director of VSO, one of the baggiest and soonest international development charity, warn Young bulk want to make difference through pop the questioning, but they would better off travelling mannikina than expend time on projects that admit no pretend (Ward, 2007)In this paper, we go away evaluate both nerve of the debate and c befully assess the value of voluntourism for local community of interests. In order to assess the benefit apt(p) by volunteer tourists, it is inwrought to look at the quality of the helpers. Unskilled volunteers whitethorn be a burden to local communities that have to take c argon of them. As Stephan peck, operations director at the scout Association, puts it bad volunteers are like a cancer (Ainsworth, 2012). Therefore, the volunteer selection appendage is life-sustaining in recruiting needed and appropriate volunteers that benefit local communities. While supporters of voluntourism claims those volunteers as satisfyi ng, looking into their selection experience shall make it actualise that these tourists are scarce qualified as assistive volunteers. Research make by Richard Forsythe in gold coast vlountourism showed that only 36% of all studied volunteer applicants in various fields went through industry process more complicated than filling coating forms, and no individuals remarked upon the selection process as a particularly challenging experience, and thusly several of the organizations interviewed admitted to accept almost all volunteers having very few requirements, and pickings everyone who is interested(Forsythe, 2011).Recruitment through application forms or basic information can only forecast on the self-evaluation of applicants, who probably had no volunteering experience, as to whether they will be helpful to the local community. With such(prenominal) a lenient selection, the volunteers selected are such(prenominal) more credibly to be burden than help to local volunteers an d community who cry out A lot of people have very unrealistic expectations close overseas volunteering, and they want to be in that location for only a month or less and have no skills that are critically needed in the ontogeny world (Huang, 2012). People whitethorn expect those flat volunteers to perplex some training before start work, but research has also showed that volunteer tourists receive almost no training. When they do receive information, much of it is slightly the culture and language, safety and packing with secondary attention toward the skills and duties involved within the volunteer placements (Forsythe, 2011).Furthermore, no more than half the volunteers received watchfulness or guidance during the placement (Forsythe, 2011). The organizations local presence is indispensible for placements appropriate, long-term effectiveness and safety of volunteers. With the developing number of teenagers participating in volunteer tours, supervision and protection by organization are vital. However, some volunteers set out with enthusiastic motivation ends up in a awkward situation as Hannah Saunders, a gap year volunteer When I arrivedthey didnt know I was coming or what to do with me. (Ward, 2007) Although the volunteers intention maybe beneficial, they are unqualified, primitive and unguided. Such groups of volunteers can hardly provide any lofty-quality help that is needed by local communities.Supporters of voluntourism may cling onto the motivation behind voluntourism to justify the trend. Indeed, motivation is also a factor often discussed when talk of the town active the benefits of voluntourism. Supporters of voluntourism argue actions that come from selfless connotation to help, although may not provide substantial help, are at least better than nothing. The supporters say that by just participating and showing aid, it is already helping the people in dispair. It is literally, you are the difference With the look in self-sacrif ice, people advertise voluntourism, in which enthusiasm and good intentions are allowed to flow (Simpson, 2004). However, it seems the good intension behind voluntourism is not enough to be allowed to moderate. While many people wish to rely that motivation behind volunteering abroad is purely altruistic, research using evolutionally, social psychological, organizational and game theoretic literature as framework, has found that, in general, people volunteered most often when personal benefits are high (Murnighan, Kim, & Metzger, 1993).Consistent with this result, almost all authors of articles about voluntourism, until now the supporters, agree that voluntourism does not come from purely altruistic motivation. Despite the difference in motivational factors conclude by different authors, all of them agree that these motivations preponderate altruism (Forsythe, 2011Corti, Marola, & Castro, 2010Wearing 2001 Brown, 2005 Cohen, Reichel, Shwartz, & Uriely, 2002 Tosun, 2000 Unstead- Jones, 2008). It is commonly agreed that volunteer tourists plan to satisfy the needs of communities through opposition their own needs such as experiencing cultures. If actions from altruism intention are the ones that give hope and prevail, voluntourism with self-centered motivation is not one. Furthermore, less concern in local community than in self-gain may result in idealized, incorrect assumption about local needs. Reflecting this worry about incorrect assumption, Sacha Brown, architectural plan Manager of World Youth International, a non regimenal organization taking volunteers overseas for their development projects says, there is a lot of development that is useless and is based on erroneous assumptions around what is best for the community or country (Huang, 2012).Inexperienced volunteers erroneous expectations on local needs, together with their self-centered concerns, make them concentrate on their own enjoyment without examining what help is needed. Organizations th at seek to win from voluntourism may increase rather than reduce carelessness of local need. The director of VSO is worried that competition between organizations may lead to more emphasis on volunteer enjoyment and may not retire the maximum benefits to the communities these people are working in. (Huang, 2012) Indeed, one of the organizations interviewed by Forsythe implied that its placements were driven by preferences of volunteers rather than local needs. It is not only researchers who are touch on about whether volunteering tourists helps are actually needed. Some volunteers interviewed by Justine Tillon express their feeling of lack of acceptance by local government and citizens. Some of them felt that the government and local citizens are forced to be helped by the participants. When there is evidence that help is forced on local people, maybe we should really ask ourselves Does this kind of help make a peaceful expression? All has been said, some supporters may provide research that show local ecstasy toward volunteer tourists. bingle of such research about Moroccan disciples satisfaction toward foreign volunteer teachers of French and position showed 79% of appreciation (Corti et al., 2010). The rate is indeed high, but we should look closer into this study. The job of the volunteers studied is to give English and French classes during vacation of school year. Out of 253 students who enrolled, 32.41% unexpended to travel with their parents in the middle of classes (Corti et al., 2010). Although the desistance rate already implies that local community regards the classes as unserious holiday childcare rather than structured learning experience, several other questions can be raised against results of this and similar other studies. First, does the rate actually reflect the work done by volunteer teachers? The improvement in students language skills is not measured in the study.Since it was students who answered those surveys, it is questiona ble whether they looked at bigger picture and image the experience educating or they were just excited to see foreigners. Inferring from previous evaluation of quality, training and supervision of volunteers, these teachers are likely to be unqualified as teachers. Of material body supporters may say that the satisfaction rate is indeed the proof that the volunteers are qualified. That raises a second question. Is it voluntourism per se that is benefiting? Do they have to be volunteer tourists or they can be anyone? Considering that English and French are both official language of Morocco, classes given by mixture of nonnative and native speakers of the languages may hardly made any difference from that by local Moroccans who speak both languages. It is not clear whether the 79% satisfaction was toward volunteers from abroad or people who helped.Questions about the tourists help per se have been studied in different contexts. Study in Gahanna showed that many volunteers are placed in daily tasks and traditional chores such as bathing, dressing, feeding and supervising of children, that can be done by anyone else (Fosythe, 2011). To justify voluntourism itself, studies about curious benefit of voluntourism need be carried out. Through this paper, we have evaluated the quality, motivation and local need of voluntourism.While there are some studies showing satisfactions toward voluntourism presented, several essential questions are raised. Through evaluation, it became clear that volunteer tourists are unskilled, authentically motivated, and to certain extent, unwelcomed. Although it may be a valuable experience for tourists, it seems that voluntourism carry few value, if not harm, to local community. Whether or not it is primary passion, the desire to volunteer is laudable. However, we need to tread more carefully, particularly when dealing with people who are already suffering. Unless we have enough knowledge and transferrable skills, we might do better to travel and bring money into developing countries.Works CitedAinsworth, D. (2012). Bad volunteers are like a cancer, says Scout Association director. Third Sector Online . Brown, S. (2005). understanding the motives and benefits of voluntourists What makes them tick? Retrieved from http// h1005.htm Cohen, E., Reichel, A., Schwartz, Z., & Uriely, N. (2002). ). Rescuing hikers in Israels deserts association altruism or an extension of adventure tourism? . Journal of Leisure Research . Corti, I. N., Marola, P. N., & Castro, M. B. (2010). Social inclusion body and Local evolution through European Voluntourism A Case Study of the Project Realized in a Neighborhood of Morocco. merican Journal of Economics and note Administration 2 . Forsythe, R. (2011). Helping or impeding? Volunteer tourism in Ghana and its critical role in development . Huang, A. (2008, 8 1). Voluntourism Benifit or Harm? Retrieved from Yahoo voices http// untourism-benefit-harm-775403.html?cat=9 Jones, A. (2004). criticism of Gap Year Provision.Murnighan, J. K., Kim, J. W., & Metzger, A. R. (1993). the Volunteer Dilemma. Administrative wisdom Quarterly . Simpson, K. (2004). Doing Development The Gap Year, Volunteer Tourists and a Popular Practice of Development. Journal of International Development . Taillon, J. (2007). The Identification of Motivation in Voluntourists Particularly inessential Motivators in Vacation-Minded Volunteer Tourism Participants. Retrieved from http// 20PAPER.doc Tosun, C. (2000). Limits to community participation in the tourism development process in developing countries. . Tourism Management . Unstead-Jones, R. (2008). An abbreviation ofVolunteer Motivation Implications for International Development. The Journal of the set up for Volunteering Research . Ward, L. (2007). Youre better off backpacking-VSO warns about perils of voluntourism. The Guardian . Wearing, S. (2001). Volunt eer tourism Experiences that Make a Difference. CABI Publishing.